Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Nightmare on Prairie Star

If the title conjures up visions of Freedy Krueger, we're on the same page. It was the 1st week of summer vacation 2012. My oldest is back from college, the middle one has graduated High School and the youngest is now officially a Junior. Friday was the 1st day none of them had to work. I requested they clean their rooms. I know mean mom. Rooms did get cleaned, but when the work actually started, no one knows. I arrived home around 4:30, usually the puppy greats all who enter at the top of the stairs with a toy. No toy, no puppy. My husband was on the couch talking to her and wondering why she was acting like she was in a trance like state. After about another hour she suddenly snapped out of it. We asked the girls about their day and what the pup had been doing. Well my youngest and the pup watched the "Nightmare on Elm Street" marathon. You can check out Every night for a week the pup had nightmares. Last night she was so scared she hyperventilated. I guess in one of the movies he killed a dog. Who knew a dog could get scared by a movie. I remember the 1st time our oldest dog saw "101 Dalmations" the live action version, she would bark back at the dogs on TV. Advise I was given is to watch a happy doggy movie with her.

Fast forward 3 years I'm making dinner and my youngest now a sophomore in college informs me that my hubby and the pup are watching "Annabelle" another scary movie.
After being warned by all of us, that he would be responsible for caring for the traumatized dog the rest of the week, they continued to watch the movie. Luckily for us this one did not effect her to badly.   Tho she does still freaks out if she sees Freddy on TV.

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