The beginning of December has been relativity sane. Just a few parties and a couple of school activities.
This weekend was crazy. 5 gatherings in 3 days. Open houses, Family Christmas celebrations a birthday party and cookies with cousin.
Cookies w/ cousins 9:30am on Sunday. No this was not my idea. It just gets harder to schedule the more kids we have and the older ones going to college and then starting their own families.
To save me time the girls talked me into buying box gingerbread cookie mix. Once home I decided it would not make enough so I made my favorite gingersnap recipe. I formed it into a ball and put it in the fridge, and proceeded to make the box mix. It was more the constancy of brownie mix. It says to refrigerate before rolling out the dough so I'm hopeful. We have are 4th party to attend at 7:00, so I'll bake when we get home.
My youngest made a beautiful cake for my oldest daughters best friends b-day. Her 1st baking job. Were all friends, were having a good time and stayed till after 10. I decided to get up early Sunday and bake the cookies. I've made 3 dozen Chocolate Chip cookies at 6 am in less then 30 mins. for school plenty of times.
This was not well thought out. After all you must roll out and cut gingerbread men. I tape my rolling sheet to my table, flour it and my rolling pin and get the two bowls of dough out of the fridge. One is in a ball and one still looks, well, less than appetizing, there is no way it will roll out. I have a couple of pans with gingerbread forms in them, I'll just smoosh it into those.I took turns rolling out and cutting 3 dozen lil men, and smooshing the other dough into the forms and baking them. I take a quick shower while the second batch is in the oven. I have 3 girls I can shower and wash my hair in less than 10 minutes. The first batch of smooshed ones turned out really think more like bread than cookies. I try less dough. still pretty thick, maybe if I just drop by spoonfuls it will spread into the forms themselves. Nope. 2 dozen rolled men and 18 formed ones I'm covered in flour (as is the dog, don't ask) and running out of time. I wake up my the girls while the oldest is showering I have one smoosh (she was not impressed with the goo) and the rolling and cutting.

1 1/2 hours later with no injuries and only a few frosting mishaps we came home with some wonderfully decorated cookies and a few odd ones. 2 gingerbread men each missing a leg and decorated to look like it was bite off, complete with red frosting at the site of the injury. These were made by my oldest and youngest, at separate times not knowing the other had done it. I may have forgotten to mention my family has an odd since of humor.
The rest of the morning was spent cleaning, sewing and shopping for last minute gifts for Christmas w/ the in-laws at 2:00. That is a whole other story.
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